Hello! I think that this blog has not yet talked about the excellent properties that this magnificent product can provide to our body if we take it in the appropriate doses, that is why in today’s article I am going to try to convince you to consume olive oil if you still don’t do it.
What is olive oil?
Before telling you about the virtues of this precious liquid, I will give you a brief introduction about it in case you are not from the area and you still don’t know what I’m talking about when I say “olive oil.”
Olive oil is the juice obtained from pressing the olive, this is the fruit produced by the olive tree, which is collected when it has reached the appropriate ripening point to obtain quality olive oil.
How many types of olive oil are there?
If you think that all olive oils are the same, you are very wrong. As you can see by clicking here, there are three types of olive oils, each one has certain properties and production methods.
The best of all without a doubt is extra virgin olive oil, this is the king of oils and if you can consume this one instead of the others, even better, why? Take a look at the description of each of them in our store: Olive, Virgin Olive and Extra Virgin Olive.
As you can see, none of them have the same description, since there are big differences between them, especially between the olive and the virgin ones, the olive has a mixture of refined oils (maximum 90%) that is complemented with virgin olive oils or extra virgin
Then there are the virgin olive and the extra virgin olive, their big difference is the degree of acidity, which in the extra virgin olive cannot exceed 0.8º and in the virgin olive it can reach up to 2º.
What benefits does consuming olive oil give us?
Because it is a food with a high content of antioxidant substances and vitamins, especially vitamin E (tocopherol), which is also rich in other natural compounds such as carotenes and polyphenols, whose concentration varies depending on the maturity of the olive and the technology used to obtain it, olive oil provides us with benefits such as:
#1- Helps lower cholesterol
#2- Preserve the bones
#3- Protect the heart
#4- Helps control blood pressure
#5- Control diabetes
#6- Fight breast cancer
#7- Prevents strokes
#8- Relieves pain
#9- Prevents aging
#10- Provides vitamins E and K
I hope that after reading this article it is clear to you that consuming olive oil translates into an increase in the quality of life of your body. If you want more information, click here. I finish but not before telling you that our oils are recognized under the Lucena Oil Protected Designation of Origin, a seal that further guarantees their quality. And to finish I ask you a question, Are you one of those who consume Olive Oil? Greetings and see you next week!
By Rafael Espejo.
Bodegas La Aurora S.C.A.
Avda. de Europa, 7 Montilla Córdoba 14550
Tél: 957 650 362
Tél: 957 654 642
Email: administracion@bodegaslaaurora.com