Very good to everyone! On this occasion I am going to dedicate this post to a topic that I really wanted to raise here and that is, factors to take into account when investing in the field. By this I am referring to the fact that it is necessary to spend the income from the harvest and that perhaps it is not so necessary or it can wait until later.
Like everyone in these times and why not say it, almost throughout our lives those of us who live in the countryside do not have enough money, as is well known by everyone, the prices of our products in the countryside do not allow for much more than what we It is the daily wage we pay to raise them and take them to the point of sale, which is why we have to calculate and study very well how we spend every euro cent.
When we think about making an investment and depending on its type, we must take into account a series of factors:
o Is the external expense greater than the maintenance expense?
o If yes to the previous point, how long does it take to amortize the purchase?
And I think these are the five fundamental factors to take into account when investing in the field.
Until next time! And you? What do you take into account when making an investment in the field?
By Rafael Espejo.
Bodegas La Aurora S.C.A.
Avda. de Europa, 7 Montilla Córdoba 14550
Tél: 957 650 362
Tél: 957 654 642